Press review
Find below a selection of articles and videos featuring the activities of Gaznat.
Please note that all articles and videos are in French, unless indicated otherwise.
Energy travels underground
Radio program "Ici La Terre" - Interview with G. Verdan at the Trélex gas metering and regulating station - 06.08.2024
"It's time to correct a historic mistake."
Broadcasted on Carac TV in partnership with L'Agefi - Interview with R. Bautz - June 17, 2024
Next challenges for the gas industry
RTS La Matinale - Interview with R. Bautz - March 25, 2024
Gas delivered "backwards" from France to central Switzerland.
La Liberté - 04.01.2024
Gas can from now on be delivered from France to Central and Eastern Switzerland
RTS Info - January 4, 2024
Topic starts at 3'18''.
Gas makes meters go crazy
La Liberté - October 17, 2023
Will gas survive in 2050? - Olivier Grivat - October 9, 2023
SVGW magazine Aqua & Gas No. 10 - September 28, 2023
Le grand débat - What future for Switzerland's gas networks? (Podcast)
Le grand débat - What future for Switzerland's gas networks? (Replay)
RTS - FORUM - Television show with René Bautz, Roger Nordmann, Socialist National Councillor and author, and Nicolas Zwahlen, Head of Thermal Networks at Viteos - 05.09.2023
Energy shortage for next winter
RTS - 19h30 - Interview with R. Bautz - September 07, 2023
Topic starts at 11 minutes 9 seconds.
The new GreenGas energy concept - Inauguration of the Innovation Lab in Aigle on August 30, 2023 :
Gaznat tests the production of synthetic green gas
24 Heures - Interview René Bautz and Gilles Verdan - August 31, 2023
Gaznat tests a synthetic methane production system, using a process called "power-to-gas", at its Aigle site
Radio Chablais - Podcast - Interview with René Bautz - August 30, 2023
Gaznat opens a research laboratory at Aigle
RTS - Interviews with René Bautz and Gilles Verdan - August 30, 2023
Topic starts at 17 minutes 06 seconds.
Energy transition - A laboratory for energy-related technologies
La Télé Vaud Fribourg - Interviews with René Bautz and Gilles Verdan - August 30, 2023
Aigle: a Lab to develop CO2-neutral renewable gas
Rhône FM - Interview with Gilles Verdan - August 30, 2023
Aigle : a Lab to develop CO2-neutral renewable gas
Radio Lac - Interview with Gilles Verdan - August 30, 2023
CO2-neutral gas offers great potential
Bilan magazine - Interview with Gilles Verdan - August 28, 2023
Final stretch for the Givisiez gas pipeline
La Liberté - Interview with Gilles Verdan - August 9, 2023
Interviews with Edouard Neviaski, CEO with Engie Global Energy Management & Sales, on June 9, 2023 at Gaznat's Ordinary General Meeting in Montreux:
- The gas situation in Europe remains very tense.
Tribune de Genève - June 9, 2023 - Shale gas banned in some cantons, yet imported into Switzerland.
RTS - June 9, 2023
The price of gas is falling, not the amount of the bills
24 Heures - Interview with René Bautz - February 28, 2023
The Confederation speeds up its procedures for natural gas storage
Rhône FM - Interview with René Bautz - February 8, 2023
Listen to both podcasts:
- Interview 1 - The Confederation speeds up its procedures for gas storage
- Interview 2 - The Federal council wants gas reservoirs
Gas Price
RTS - Interview with René Bautz - January 16, 2023, 19:30 (starting at 17' 15'')
Discover the backstage of the natural gas pipeline that supplies western Switzerland
Couleurs Locales - Interview of Gilles Verdan, Director in charge of Networks activities - October 28, 2022
Gas shortage less of a threat in French-speaking Switzerland
24 Heures - August 27, 2022
In Switzerland, we are 40% dependent on Russian gas
Watson - August 22, 2022
Gas worth its weight in gold
La Liberté - August 19, 2022
A project to reactivate the natural gas drilling platform in Noville is under consideration
RTS - July 14, 2022, 19:30
Gaznat is preparing for a possible gas shortage in Switzerland: interview with René Bautz
RTS Forum - July 3, 2022
Press conference on June 24, 2022, in Montreux:
- What remedies to the gas shortage? (in French)
RTS - June 24, 2022 - Gaznat is working to reactivate the natural gas extraction project in Noville (in French)
AWP - June 24, 2022 - France, LNG ... or clean production: Switzerland has alternatives to Russian gas (in French)
L'Agefi - June 24, 2022 - Gas exploitation under Lake Geneva resurfaces (in French)
TdG - June 24, 2022 - Gaznat wants to extract gas at the end of Lake Geneva (in French)
Le Temps - June 24, 2022
Energieunternehmen will Walliser Berg in Gasspeicher verwandeln
Blick - June 20, 2022
Carbon capture by nanopore graphene membranes
Aqua & Gas - SSIGE/SVGW - 25 février 2022
The dispute over Russian gas indirectly affects Switzerland.
L'Agefi - 25 mars 2022
The Swiss Federal Department of Finance in Qatar to discuss the sale of natural gas to Switzerland: exchanges led by energy players from both countries including Gaznat.
swissinfo - 22 mars 2022
Next winter, Europe will find it difficult to do without Russian gas.
swissinfo - 12 March 2022
How can Switzerland diversify its gas supply?
Agefi - 4 March 2022
NNZ am Sonntag - Gas storage project in Wallis - February 13, 2022
NZZ am Sonntag (in German)
Inauguration of Sion's methanation reactor - 25 September 2020
Inauguration d'un premier réacteur de méthanation au sein d'un PDC (external link)
Aqua&Gas - March 2021
Power-to-Gas: comment ça marche?
Dossiers publics - October 2020
Un réacteur inédit convertir le CO2 en gaz (lien externe)
Le Matin online - 25 September 2020
Du gaz plus propre pour le Valais central (lien externe)
Pascal Guex, Le Nouvelliste - 25 September 2020
Sion accueille le premier réacteur suisse de méthanation
Revue polytechnique - 25 September 2020
Un réacteur d'un nouveau genre testé à Sion
Keystone - 25 September 2020
Gaznat et l'EPFL transforment le CO2 en énergie
Philip Rodrik, 24 Heures - 25 September 2020
Preliminary work in Oberwald (VS) - Lined Rock Cavern project - May 2020
TV Reports
Click on titles to access the reports (external links).
Report from SRF channel on the same subject for the program "Schweiz Aktuell" on 4 June 2020 (in German)
Forages d'essai pour un grand projet (external link)
CNG Mobility - 9 June 2020
Les gaziers veulent creuser une Grande-Dixence du gaz sous les Alpes
Pierre Veya, Le Matin Dimanche - 24 May 2020
Energie: Immense réservoir de gaz naturel projeté sous les Alpes
awp Informations financières - 24 May 2020
Haut-Valais: Projet de gigantesque réservoir de gaz naturel sous les Alpes (external link)
Le Nouvelliste - 24 May 2020
Bientôt des cavernes de stockage de gaz dans les Alpes
Olivier Grivat, Swissinfo - 30 October 2018
Other articles
A future fuelled by hydrogen? Building the path for cleaner energy (in English, external link)
Interview with René Bautz for the CLIC™ Chronicles by Lombard Odier - March 2021
Le gaz naturel, une réponse aux enjeux énergétiques post-Covid?
René Bautz - AGEFI - 4 May 2020
Gaznat réalise un résultat net record en 2019
awp Informations financières - 1st September 2020
Le prix du gaz chute moins que le pétrole
Olivier Grivat, Bilan - 3 June 2020
2019 & EARLIER
Les gazoducs ont du potentiel de transport
Christian Affolter, AGEFI - 22 May 2019
Les gaziers se battent pour rester dans la course
Olivier Worlud, 24 heures - 22 May 2019
Le gaz naturel, candidat à la transition énergétique
Adria Budry, Le Temps - 22 May 2019
Green Gas Initiative: La valeur de l’infrastructure gazière pour une neutralité climatique en Europe
Conférence de presse - 21 May 2019
La Green Gas Initiative (GGI) qui regroupe sept entreprises gazières indépendantes en Europe, dont Gaznat en Suisse, a mandaté Frontier Economics, cabinet de conseil indépendant, pour mener une étude approfondie sur la valeur et le rôle que l’infrastructure gazière pourrait jouer dans la décarbonisation en Europe.
Cette analyse repose, notamment, sur l’engagement des entreprises membres du GGI de transporter dans ses infrastructures du gaz 100% neutre d’ici à 2050.
L'étude compare différents scénarios énergétiques pour le futur dans un contexte de décarbonisation progressive de l’approvisionnement énergétique en Europe et en Suisse. Elle souligne l’importance du rôle du couplage de secteur en combinant les avantages des infrastructures électriques et gazières.
Le gazoduc suisse de transit est devenu bidirectionnel
Christian Affolter, L'AGEFI - 22 October 2018
Sous les Alpes se terre le plus haut gazoduc d'Europe
Elisabeth Eckert, Tribune de Genève - 20 October 2018
Sous les Alpes, le plus grand gazoduc de Suisse
Adrià Budry Carbò, Le Temps - 20 October 2018
Gaz naturel et tournant énergétique
Sophie Barenne, L'Extension - Fall 2018
SPIE s'équipe de la plus grande flotte au gaz naturel/biogaz de Suisse (in German, external link) -23 October 2017
Salt passe au vert avec un nouveau parc automobile alimenté au gaz naturel / biogaz
Communiqué de presse - October 2017
Interview with René Bautz, CEO of Gaznat and currently chairing Green Gas Initiative - 19 October 2017